

Tool to save code and other files.


Config file

Create a config file named smc.toml.

[profiles.toto]             # Profile name
paths = ["./"]              # Path to include
files = ["./"]              # Files to include
output = "/tmp"             # Output dir or filename (default: "./${CURRENT_DIR}_${TIME}${EXT}")
hidden = true               # Save also hidden (default: false)
gitignore = true            # Follow gitignore (default: true)
container = "Zip"           # Container [None, Zip, SevenZip, Tar] (default: Zip)
compression = "Bzip2"       # Compression if possible [None, Deflate, Bzip2, Bzip3, Zstd, Gzip, Xz] (default: Deflate)
compression_level = 9       # Compression level if possible 
directory = "."             # Current directory (default: ".")
signatures = ["Sha256"]     # Signatures to generate [Blake3, Sha256, Sha384, Sha512, Sha3_256, Sha3_384, Sha3_512, Minisign, OpenPGP]
all_signature = ["Sha256"]  # Signatures to generate [Blake3, Sha256, Sha384, Sha512, Sha3_256, Sha3_384, Sha3_512] for all files saved
ignore = ["Cargo.*"]        # Files to ignore
whitelist = [".gitignore"]  # Whitelist files
metadata = true             # Write metadata in the output container (default: false)
destination = "my_test"     # Specify a destination for all files in the output container

Variables can be used in output and save_dir using $VAR or ${VAR}:

Name Value
CURRENT_DIR Current directory
TIME Current date and time
SAVE_DIR Save directory
TMP Temp directory
EXT Container extension
GIT_COMMIT_HASH Git commit hash
GIT_FULL_COMMIT_HASH Git full commit hash
GIT_BRANCH Git branch
GIT_TAG Latest git tag


Run smc with the profiles names as arguments: smc profile_name.

Several profiles can be set. In this case all the files will be put in the first profile container.

Some command line arguments can be used to change profile.



A binary is available that you can check with its sha512 checksum or its minisign or PGP signature.


A binary is available that you can check with its sha512 checksum or its minisign or PGP signature.

The software is also available under AUR.


It can be installed with cargo install save_my_code (need a rust compiler installed).

Source code

The source code is available on my git repository under MIT license.